When you are fully aware of your needs, it does not suggest that you would be motivated enough. There is a need for you to also access your needs. First and foremost, you need to realize that when you feel helpless or lazy, it just means that you have not been able to fulfil your needs.
It also implies that the sense of growth is not felt any longer, and you do not have any control over your environment.

It also suggests that the sense of connection which you have with others, has been severed.
One of the most essential ways of ensuring that you do not feel this way, is to start making attempts to meet your needs.

Doing this has many approaches, which includes coming to terms with the fact that there is a need for you to create a measurable goal, put yourself in a situation when it is impossible for you to win, and also receiving something on a free basis.

The following steps are quintessential in aiding you to leave the helpless state:
Border yourself with triggers: Whatever surrounds you has the capacity to affect your thought pattern and behaviour.

There are a good number of ways whereby you can motivate yourself to get into action. You can decide to fix automated emails, calendar updates and the likes, which would remind you to remain focused or go through with any specific action.

Scheme an exciting event: Another feasible way of ensuring that you leave the helpless state, is to plan an event which would leave you in the excited state. You can decide to go in a date to eat out, or probably see a movie. You can also decide to go for a long walk with anyone you deem fit.

Ponder on rejection: When you get rejected, it should not be an avenue for you to be depressed. Rather, it should be an opportunity for you to feel motivated that you can perform much better.

Celebrate yourself: One thing which you must never do, is to look down on yourself as a failure. Whenever something does not work out successfully with you, it should serve as a motivation to you that you can perform much better.

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